Author: Aqil Jauhar
Protocol Structure
00_Thorax_Veran_ENB (Adult)
- Topogram Front
- Topogram Lateral
- Thorax Inspiration
- Thorax Expiration
Special Device
Before the procedure, application specialist from VERAN need to patch up some device
The device is patch up at the soft tissue of chest wall
From upper thorax to mid of liver
Frontal topogram and lateral topogram should be scan
Non Contrast
Vertically: from upper thorax to middle of liver
Horizontal: include bilateral breast and soft tissue
Positioning instruction :
Thorax Inspiration – patient’s hand should be put above their head
Thorax Expiration – patient’s hand on their side
Reconstruction Non Contrast
[table id=50 /]
[table id=51 /]
Injector Setting
Multi Planar Reconstruction (MPR)
Series of Images Send to PACS
- Topogram_AP 0.6 T20f
- Topogram_LAT 0.6 T20f
- Thorax Insp Veran 0.75 B35f
- Thorax Exp Veran 0.75 B35f
- Patient Protocol
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