Author: Aqil Jauhar

Protocol Structure

Head Routine

  • Topogram
  • Non Contrast


Topogram should be cover from vertex of skull to C1

Non Contrast

To reduce or avoid ocular lens exposure, the scan angle should be parallel to a line created by the supraorbital ridge and the inner table of the posterior margin of the foramen magnum

Reconstruction Non Contrast

[table id=4 /]

Injector Setting


Multi Planar Reconstruction (MPR)

  1. If the reconstruction already simetrical,no need to do another axial plane.

Series of Images Send to PACS

  1. Topogram 0.6 T20f
  2. Head 5.0 H31s 
  3. Head 1.0 H31s 
  4. Head 5.0 H60s 
  5. Head 1.0 H60s
  6. Patient protocol

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